Pretzel Sourdough Nibbles

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A couple of weeks ago, I was out for an alfresco lunch and the host offered 'Pretzel Bites' made using sourdough excess/discard.

They were quite nice to be honest..,but I thought they could be improved. They were a little soft and missing...something..So, being the good guest that I am, I asked her for the 'recipe'. She directed me to a web-based site and I took it from there.

I went home, baked them according to the 'recipe' and still thought they were 'lacking'. So, then I sat down with a sheet of paper and started again...this time, I called them Pretzel Nibbles


290 gms of strong bread flour

180 gms of tepid water

147 gms of unfed starter (ideally, fed within the last 7 days)

5 gms of Demerera sugar

6 gms instant active yeast

5 gms crushed sea salt.

for the soda solution

15 gms of bicarbonate of soda

120 gms boiling water

for the glaze...

50 grams of melted unsalted butter

and a variety of toppings (as you wish)

crushed sea salt

poppy seeds

grated parmesan

chocolate sauce

cinnamon mixed into caster / superfine sugar



Stage 1

By hand.....

mix everything together and then knead until you have a soft silky dough. Place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover and keep warm until it has doubled in volume. Then move on to Stage 2.

By bread machine....

add the starter, then the water and then everything else but add the yeast last. Use a basic dough programme (2hrs or a little over) and then move on to Stage 2

By stand mixer....

add everything on slow until it comes together. Then increase the speed and knead to a silky dough. Place in a lightly-oiled bowl, cover and keep warm until it has doubled in volume. Then move on to Stage 2.

Stage 2

Tip the dough onto a lightly floured bowl. Divide into bite-size pieces and roll into individual balls. You can also roll into small 'torpedos' as's up to you.

Place the bites onto a prepared baking sheet.

Now, in a separate bowl, add 120 gms of boiling water and 15 gms bicarbonate of soda. Stir until thoroughly dissolved.

Carefully and very gently, pick up each bote using kitchen tongs or similar and 'dunk' each piece onto the soda solution. Return it to its place on the baking sheet.

Alternatively, you can brush the bites with the soda solution.

Leave the bites for about 15 minutes while the oven heats up to 240⁰C.

Bake the pieces for about 7 - 8 minutes until they are golden brown on the outside...because of the shortness of baking time, the nibbles need to be 'bite-sized' and not too large.

Prepare the butter glaze and the toppings to suit.

While the Pretzel Nibbles are still hot, brush liberally with melted butter and add the toppings.

Happy baking...


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